The all-in-one communication solution.

SchoolNow's built-in features bring together everything you need to make digital publishing easy on your staff and more accessible for your entire community. 

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Visual page editing Page editing lets you edit in a rich experience including adjusting layouts, adding widgets and more. checkmark checkmark
School feeds Live school and district feeds deliver personalized posts, website alerts, updates, and more. checkmark checkmark
Unlimited storage A secure home for all website files: documents, forms, photos, videos and all your web data checkmark checkmark
Multi-site management Centrally control multiple sites – district, school, and classroom websites from one streamlined platform. checkmark checkmark
Intranet Share district, principal, teacher and other staff internal communications in a secure way. checkmark checkmark
Design for life The look and functionality of your sites will always be current with lifetime design flexibility. checkmark checkmark
Translations Instant web page translations eliminate language barriers to accommodate all cultures in your school community. checkmark checkmark
Single sign-on Streamline user and parent experience with secure and time-saving single sign-on. checkmark checkmark
Social media publishing All social media comes together into a dedicated, social network for a live-feed school connection for everyone in the school community. checkmark checkmark
Website accessibility Complete monthly website monitoring, reporting, and fixes throughout the school year checkmark checkmark
sn mobile app

Mobile app

Customized Depict your school or district design consistently across mobile views. checkmark
Inbox and push notifications Deliver personalized communications directly to parent inboxes and send push notifications about district, school, or classroom information. checkmark
Authentication Single sign-on streamlines connections giving users the option of using mobile phone number or email credentials. checkmark
Integrated calendars District, school and classroom calendars enable everyone to sync events with personal calendars. checkmark
Resources Shortcuts and links to frequently accessed school info like forms, lunch menus, staff info, and schedules checkmark
SIS integration User mobile numbers and email credentials are pulled directly from SIS for ultimate security. checkmark
School and district feeds Home to school and district posts and messages delivered to parents in personalized fashion. checkmark
Reporting Track downloads, opens, and other mobile app usage to optimize adoption and improvement checkmark
sn messages


Multi-channel delivery Create one message and deliver it via email, text, voice, mobile app, website, and social posts checkmark
Single dashboard Control messages, manage permissions, users, and groups, and monitor engagement from a central dashboard. checkmark
Unlimited sending No limit to the number of messages (text, email, voice) checkmark
SIS integration Parent and staff data is pulled directly from the student integration system checkmark
Parent preferences Parents' profiles can be adjusted to receive messages via the channels they prefer. checkmark
Reporting Ongoing analytics let you examine engagement metrics and point you toward how to improve. checkmark
FERPA-compliant Student and family member privacy is certified by iKeepSafe. checkmark
Automation Create simple workflows to automate recurring and routine messaging (e.g., calendar year, seasonal, grading period) checkmark
Translations Instant translations eliminate language barriers to accommodate all cultures in your school community. checkmark
Newsletters Limitless branded, customizable design templates for district-, building-, and classroom-level newsletters Fall 2024
One-to-one communications Faculty and staff can connect to parents via email, mobile app and text. Fall 2024